Uned Ragarweiniol B

In this unit you will look at pronunciation in yet more detail. It's very important for you to get your pronunciation right at this early stage. You will also look at basic patterns to use when asking/ ordering things. By the end of the unit, you should be able to:

  • pronounce the different sounds of the letter 'y'
  • ask for a cup of tea/ drink
  • ask what somebody else wants to drink
  • use simple patterns in the cafe, pub and at home
  • count from 1-10

Pronounce the different sounds of the letter 'y':

Powerpoint how to pronounce the letters Y and U, listen to the audio and practise the sounds.

Patrymau / Patterns

Watch the video and practise the patterns of Uned B:

Test your skills here:

Deialog Uned B Dialogue

Geirfa Uned B Vocabulary

Patrymau Uned B Patterns

Gwaith Cartref Uned B Homework

Rhifau / Numbers

Mwy o help / More help
